
Company Info
Contact Us


We are located at:

     103 Hillcrest Drive, Clarksburg, Ontario, N0H 1J0


Postal Address:

     P.O. Box 308, Clarksburg, Ontario, N0H 1J0


Driving From Barrie


Driving distance: 46 miles (74 km), Time: 80 minutes (1 hour 20 minutes)


Driving direction: From Bayfield Drive, go Northwest on Highway 27, turn left on Highway 26 West, through Collingwood, turn left at County Road 2 (just before you reach Thornbury), turn right on Clark Street, pass Marsh Street, pass the "Black Bridge" and take second right onto Hillcrest.


Driving From Toronto


Driving distance: 95 miles (153 km), Time: 130 minutes (2 hours 10 minutes)


Driving direction: Take Highway 400 North to Barrie, take Bayfield Street Exit, turn left on Highway 27, turn left on Highway 26 West, through Collingwood, turn left at County Road 2 (just before you reach Thornbury), turn right on Clark Street, pass Marsh Street, pass the "Black Bridge" and take second right onto Hillcrest.


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Copyright © 2006 [Miller Golf Design Group]